Friday, May 23, 2008

Comment Response

I thank you for your comments the past two days in regards to my postings. I would just like to speak to the comment about the whole video being a hoax. I am not here to argue the validity of the video at all. Because the reality of it all is that there are people out there doing this exact thing. They are preying on our young women and they need to warned and helped to see their self worth. That is my goal in this entire situation. If his goal is to promote his own website then I hope that my and everyone's attention to this will serve as a warning to him. To let him and any other person who is actually committing this sort of heinous act towards our community will not be tolerated. We will stand up and protect our girls.

If only one girl begins to understand her self worth then it makes even his disgusting video worth it. Because little did he know that when he made that video that I and others like me would see and that he would set into motion a series of events that would change this world. Like I said in my other post what the devil meant for bad God is using for his good. Hopefully this will cause a young woman to be more cautious in the company she keeps or to wait longer before becoming sexual intimate. That is my only desire from exposing this video whether true or fake. However, I do thank you for commenting because that is a hidden agenda that the man who made that video had that a lot of people wouldn't have known about without your comment.

This will go to show our young women that everything is not as it seems all the time. You must listen to the voice inside you that tells you when a situation is not right. And also God will send people along in your life to warn you of things. So do not always look at things from a defensive eye. Trust your inner self for that is your spirit and that is where God speaks to you. So to you I thank you for your comment because it sparked yet continued discussion and that's what it's all about. It is about beginning a dialogue.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

You are Beautiful!

After yesterday's post I thought it would only be appropriate to discuss one of the issues that acts as the basis of why our young women fall victim to men like the Trash Man. It has to do with Body Image. This topic has been seen on The Tyra Banks Show a lot lately, and is the topic of songs, books, and many discussions. Young women are struggling to find happiness in their own skin. Either she views herself as too skinny or not skinny enough, has no curves or too many. If she has a dark complexion she feels inadequate and for those who are light they are tired of justifying their blackness.

Somewhere in this journey of life we have allowed the devil to come in and tell our young women they are not good enough. We need to work double time to correct this disaster taking place in our community. Because if we don't step up and teach them their Godly self worth. In Pastor Paula White's book entitled Daily Treasures she reminds all people; "You are exactly what God wanted you to be from head to toe. You are the "right" gender, race, personality, body, shape, and height to accomplish the dream that He has for you. You are already equipped with all you will ever need." So stop it with the self esteem cover up. You know where you act like you're all that and that by dressing in the least amount of clothes possible is bring you the attention that makes you feel beautiful. Trust me I am not fooled, been there and done that. The type of people you are likely to attract will be those with hidden agendas men like the Trash Man.

It's my desire that every young women regardless of her race or body type knows that you are beautiful and that God loves you and so do I! Walk with you head up high be good to those around and most importantly be good to yourself. You are everything you were meant to be and when you invest in yourself it only gets better with time.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Beware of the Trash Man (Man with AIDS infecting teen girls)


Despite the graphic nature of this video it is VERY important that we use this man's ignorance as a learning tool to save the lives of our girls that he has not yet reached. This man has allegedly infected over 15,000 girls with the HIV/AIDS virus, some by his own account as young as 16. In this video he names names and discusses how he met them and how easy the conquest was. I am just going to take his words as true, I hope that they are not, but in today's world you never can tell. This is a warning it should be used as a NATIONAL ALERT to all our teen girls and the people that love them. Like the old saying goes, everything that glitters ain't gold. You will see for yourself that he talks about the fact that he drives a Jaguar as being his number one appeal to these girls. Why is it that it is so easy for a man like this to get to our girls?

Well there are several reasons everything from self esteem issues to lack of male figure in their lives and so on and so on. But that is not where I want to focus tonight. I want to focus on one thing and that is my desire for every young woman to know their self worth. You are fearfully and wonderfully made as written in Psalms 139:14. You are a precious jewel in the sight of God. God is the Almighty so if he is pleased with you, you must learn to know that you special. This is why abstinence is always the best policy until marriage. But am I naïve? NO I'M NOT! So for those who choose not to wait it is so important that you take the time to know the person you are dating and protect yourself! You must take responsibility for your own body and your own life. Don't seek your joy in a man. If you like the car he drives, the diamonds he wears, then go and get it for yourself, go to school and work so that you can buy those things for yourself. Believe me it feels 100x better when you do it for yourself.

You want a man that will respect you and that knows your worth. This is not a game this is your life. You should always be tested and if sex is something that you just can't live without then instead of buying that new shirt go buy some condoms. They sell them to females too; I'm here to keep it real with you. Don't act like only the guy can supply them. You want to be taken seriously by your parents, your friends, and everyone around you then take yourself seriously. You are God's creation and you are beautiful and to be treasured. God wants to help you. Searching for your destiny is a journey that will help to guide you towards the people that you need in your life and it will help to build your confidence that you will heed the warnings when confronted with people like this Trash Man. He couldn't have come up with a better name for himself, because he is nothing but trash and so are those that are out there like him. Know that you deserve better than trash and wait for your King.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Celebrate the Good

Just as you want to be celebrated and appreciated for the things that you do in this life, you need to take the time to celebrate and appreciate the ones that touch yours. Whether it is with a simply, "Thank You" or an "I really appreciate it that you…" Even if you give them a card or a special keepsake that means something to both of you, we must celebrate those around us. And for those of us who are truly givers we must learn how to receive as well as give. It is good to be humble, but we must be careful not to block our blessings by refusing the thank you of others.

So be sure to celebrate those in your life that are having an impact whether great or small. As a society we tend to dwell only on the negative that people do. If we took that same energy and took small steps to celebrate the good, we can change the world. Let someone know you are grateful to them and that they have touched your life in one way or another today! Let's change the world together one thank you at a time.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why Wait Until You’re Sick?

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been under the weather. But I'M BACK!!!! I always wondered why people seem to have their deepest revelations during their time of ailment. After being sick these last couple of days I think I can understand on some level. It is because it is time you are at your most vulnerable state. And you have time on your hands that you would not normally take to reflect on your life. It forces you to slow down and really view the life around you. Even as a teenager you need to take the time out to reflect on your past, view your present, and plan for your future.

It allowed me to reflect on my own life and assess what is truly important to me. It now has allowed me to focus my energies on what is important to me and what my next steps will be. My question now is why wait until your ill and forced to sit still to reflect. I believe this is something that we must do on a regular basis. Self reflection is a critical part of the destiny journey. So as a young person if you are serious about discovering what you destiny is here in this life then start now to make self reflection a part of that journey. Don't wait until you're forced into it, because you will be. One way or another you will have to look at what is known as your life and decide what is going be your next step. Wouldn't you rather do it because you want to then because you are forced into it?