Sunday, April 20, 2008

How do you know when to let go of friends?

This is a question that people of all ages ask themselves. It is a question that I had to ask myself as well. It is one of the hardest questions to answer, especially with people that you truly consider a friend. The question that you have to ask yourself is are they being a friend to you?

A true friend is someone who adds to your life. They are to be there to encourage your dreams, help you through your failures, and tell you when you're wrong. They should love you unconditionally. They should love you with what is know as agape love and that is the pure love of God. If your friends do not love you with the principles with which God loves you then it's time to let them go. Because with a relationship God your friendship will always be conditional. It will come with the conditions that best suits them at the time.

Healthy relationships are ones that can be brutally honest, but still have the tone of love in them. My best friend can tell me anything. We don't always agree with each other, but we always love each other. These are the type of friendships you want to have. As long as you are following the Lord then He will place the right people in your life. Ask yourself if your friends are really your friends. Do they have your best interests in mind? Do they support your dreams and your destiny? Are you afraid to show them the true you? The answers to these questions will be your answer to whether you should let them go our not.

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