Thursday, May 8, 2008

Standing in Grace

I read my Women of Faith Daily Devotional today, it is entitled Standing in Grace. I think that it worth sharing with you all. Please take the time to read it I think it will touch you and help you grow.

Once there was a young man who had great skill and potential. He bragged obnoxiously about how good he was. He tried to demand people's respect. But one day his cockiness caught up with him: He lost his job and could not find another one for months.

    Almost a year passed and nothing good happened, he thought. Nobody would hire him. He tired to start his own business, but he failed. He got so depressed and ashamed that thoughts of ending it all played in his head. It was difficult for him to believe that in spite of these demoralizing circumstances, God was still at work in his life. But he'd accepted Jesus at an early age, and at the very moment of salvation, the Holy Spirit had come to live within him. Even though he didn't feel secure in his current circumstances, he tried to bank on the truth in Scripture: "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand" (Romans 5:1-2)

    We stand, even when life beats us down.

    One day the young man got a life-changing phone call, offering him the opportunity to interview for the job of a lifetime. He got the job! The grace of God was imputed to him even though he didn't believe he deserved it. He learned that bad behavior does not stop God from lavishing us with his unmerited favor.                                            -BY Thelma Wells


So remember God's grace is always there to help you get past the things of your past and move on to your great destiny all you must do is believe.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Blessing in Disguise

So have you ever had a day where it seems like everything that could go wrong does? You can't find the shirt you want to wear that goes perfect with your jeans, and you know you just saw it yesterday. Then everybody at work or school seems to be against you in one way or another. Just when you think things can't be worse your car has a flat tire or the bus you ride home breaks down. When you finally get home and you don't want to be bothered, your parents tell you they want to talk. With every step you take to meet them in the living room or kitchen your mind is racing and you are dreading what they have to say.

To your surprise when you get there they have planned something special for you. It could be something like cooking your favorite dinner or that they just wanted to tell you that they are proud of you. And it makes everything you went through during the day worth it or less painful in some way. For those of you who may not have a loving family at home or friends to turn to, know that you can always turn to God. He is there for you to listen to you and to let you know in His own special way that everything is going to be ok. Maybe it's by allowing you to notice a flower blooming in a path you always take or that rainbow after the rain storm. Or just maybe it's leading you to this blog today so that you can read these words.

I just want you to know no matter what you're going through have your eyes open to the blessings around you they may just be in disguise.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Stay Focused!

Stay focused! When you are on your path towards your destiny it is important to remain focused. People will try to discourage you, times will be tough, but if you continue towards your goal you have no choice but to reach it. Staying focused is something easy to say, but not always the easiest thing to accomplish. This is why it is important for you to surround yourself with people who are uplifting you and motivating you to move forward.

Trust me I know first hand that it can be hard. Believe me there are days I want to give up, because things do not look like there getting any better. I just have to remember that everything comes in God's timing not mine. And I am reminded by the circle of people that I choose to surround myself with. Others that were out to sabotage me or who were envious of me I had to let them go, even if they did hold the title of friend or family. Think of life as a journey. Not everyone is meant to go on your journey with you. If they were then we would all be going to the same place and doing the same things. Some people are meant to go with you part of the way and few are meant to go all the way. You must use wisdom on whom to let into your inner circle.

When you are working towards you goals know that there will be hindrances, obstacles, road blocks, or whatever else you want to call them. The only way over them, around them, or through them is to stay focused and keep moving forward. Relentlessly pursuing your goals means to never stop moving forward while keeping your ethics pure and your character unflawed. So be encouraged always and stay focused!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Dreams Do Come True!

Well dreams do come true. Even as I am writing each day to bring you closer to your destiny, it has just been me finally walking in mine. I have always had a passion for young women (ages 13-19) and helping you to realize your true potential and worth. God has great things in store for you all. I am just here to let you know that once you know what your passion (destiny) is hold on to it. Continue to pray for guidance from God and he will direct your path towards your goal. This is just what he is doing for me on a daily basis. And today is just another one of those steps. As of today the Being L.E.D. (Living to Equivalent to Destiny) website is up and operational! Please go and check it out! The website is

Remember the page is still under construction and will be changing daily as more information is added. Right now only the homepage is functional, please be patient and join in as we celebrate this next step in growth. Thank you for your support and I hope that the website as well as this blog is a blessing to you.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Stop Reading Into Everything!

Okay as women and young women one thing we can be guilty of is reading too much into things. Because of our nurturing nature we are use to having to read between the lines when talking with people. Unfortunately, the downfall to that is that we often make things that are small or nothing into the greatest offense. Some of it is a direct correlation to your Self-esteem, however I believe some of it is to also know our differences from men. If I can get you to understand this fact at an early age the less drama you will have to face as you get older.

Being aware of your surroundings with guys is important. However let me be the first to say they are not all liars! Yeah I know that may be the total opposite of what you've been taught and/or believe. It is the truth though; there are some guys that are true to their word. What we have to be careful of is not discrediting everything someone says based on what Tyrone and everyone else did in the past. Again I stress the importance of paying attention to one's actions and not just their words. If the person has been honest with you in action as well as words then why are you tripping? Why with every little thing are you making a scene? Sometimes people really do have to work late, maybe it really wasn't him that Chantal saw at the game. I mean she was 500 feet away and the guy had his back to her. She could be mistaken. SMILE!

This is why it is so important for you to have a relationship with God. What people call intuition, when you have a relationship with God you know it is the Holy Spirit. If you will be wise and listen to the Holy Spirit, he will share with you when things are not right. Learn to take relationships one day at a time. Stop meeting guys and automatically assuming he's the one! Work on yourself; build yourself up so that you don't need always be in the presence of a man. Get a life that is centered on God, for He is the one that matters. Trust me the sooner you learn this, the better for your emotional health. J

Are you getting Mixed Signals?

Mixed Signals, all of us have encountered them at one time or another. From our parents, friends, relationships, and the list continues on and on. Someone might ask what are mixed signals. Mixed signals are when people say one thing, but their actions say the opposite. You know when you’re dating that guy and his words say that he’s feeling you, but his actions prove that you’re no different than anybody else. Or when your friend says that she would never talk about you behind your back, but she talks about everybody else so why not you? Hey, you might even be guilty of giving mixed signals yourself.

And if you are that’s okay we all have done it before. Sometimes it can be because the person is confused or it can be because they are afraid to let you know how they really feel. And then quite frankly it could be because they are playing you, whatever the reason know that mixed signals is common. That’s why the old saying of “actions speak louder than words” is so true. Whether you want to believe it our not, it is true. I dare you to just try it one time, be observant and listen. Listen to what people tell you about themselves or even about how they feel about you and then watch their actions. Do they match? Or do they prove to be contrary?

I say all this to say in life beware of the mixed signals. They will cause you lots of headaches and heartaches if you are not careful. My advice to you would be to believe a person’s actions a lot more than you believe their words.