Friday, April 25, 2008

Steps to Living Equivalent to Destiny - Part 2

In the last posting I began talking about five Godly Qualities, integrity, honesty, generosity, joyfulness, and teachability. I spoke on the first two and left you to think about generosity. Generosity is defined as gracious, unselfish; ample (ample is sufficient to meet ones needs), as defined in Part 1. Generosity can be displayed by giving someone money or even giving your time. In the Bible there are many scriptures that show us it is better to give than to receive.

Joyfulness is the fourth in this list. I know a lot of people might be wondering how joyfulness is considered a Godly Quality. John 10:10 lets us know “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Why would God want us to have an abundant life, but not have any joy? Joyfulness goes hand and hand with an abundant life, with a life of destiny. The last of these qualities is teachability. Teachability is very important in every aspect of your life. Despite what you may believe you do not know everything. Smile! So even in discovering your destiny you must remain teachable. The person who gets the most out of life is the person who is both willing to teach others and to continue to learn from those around them.

These are not meant to stand as the “only” list of Godly qualities. These are just a few that I think are important to learn as early as possible. They are a good place to start that will also help you begin to prepare yourself for life as a whole, because in all areas of life you will see these qualities. Begin to pay attention to your daily life and be sure that you are incorporating these into your daily routine you will begin to see a difference.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Steps to Living Equivalent to Destiny - PART 1

The first step to begin Living Equivalent to Destiny is for you to accept the creator of both you and your destiny into your life and allow Him to have control. Like most new believers you will probably ask yourself “What’s next?” What’s next is for you to begin to follow some things known as Godly Qualities. Some of these qualities include integrity, honesty, generosity, joyfulness and teachability.

The first is integrity which is defined as strict compliance to an ethical standard: the state of being whole or sound. You must decide from the very beginning what you will stand for even as a teenager you must make this decision. You must decide to follow the things of the Spirit, because your divine destiny is tied directly to the Spirit. Next is honesty, you must learn to be honest with God, yourself, and others. How can you change this world for the better if you can not be honest with yourself? This is one of the most difficult areas for most people of all ages. This is the area that most teenagers get on themselves and give up on their dreams and their destiny. Please read the next line very carefully…. IT IS OKAY! You are going to make mistakes everyone does, it doesn’t make you a failure. There is only failure in quitting what you know is your destiny. Just learn from your mistakes continue to move forward. Even if you only take one step forward, it is still a step in the right direction.

Move at the pace that is right for you and your destiny. The next Godly Quality is generosity. Generosity is defined as gracious, unselfish; ample (ample is sufficient to meet ones needs). What is generosity to you? It can take on many different forms, depending on the individual acting it out. Think about what it means to you and how you show it. I will touch on it and the other Godly Qualities in Steps to Living Equivalent to Destiny – Part 2.

Why I do this?

Trying to find what to write about tonight has been a tough thing. So I decided to just write from the heart and share some of myself with you as to why I am doing this. I am taking this journey because it is my destiny and my passion in life.

Being a female I know first hand the battles we face with self-esteem, relationships, and just in life in general. So if I can help one young woman to begin living equivalent to their destiny then all my trials would have been worth it. I want you all to know that you are special in God's eyes and that He wants you to have an incredible life! You can accomplish anything that you can dream up! You have a divine destiny and it is important that you know that.

Despite what your life challenges are you can make a difference in this world. You must know that everything you go through is to make you stronger and to help you touch the lives of others with the lessons you have learned. So stay focused on God and He will allow you to walk out your destiny. It will make your life more rewarding. If any of you ever have any questions feel free to leave a comment with your questions and I will answer them. Also if there are any topics that you would like me to write on let me know that as well.

I look forward to taking this journey with you all!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Big Breakup!

Breakups! It's something that every person goes through at one time or another. Whether the question is, How do I get over a break up? or even How do I break up with someone? It's a difficult situation whether you're the one doing the breaking up or the one being broken up with. So how do you move on after your have had to endure a break up with someone that you really cared about?

Sometimes I know it feels like the end of the world, but guess what it's NOT. If you were to keep it real with yourself you would admit that something about the relationship was not right or you wouldn't have broken up. You have to ask yourself is this person the one that compliments me, not completes you. If you're looking for someone to complete you then you're already starting off wrong (that's a topic for another entry).

Relationships just like friendships in the right context are met be an enhancement to your life. As young women you must be careful not to loose yourself during the relationship so that you won't have a problem finding yourself after the break up. We have a tendency of giving too much power to our male counter parts in relationships. We dive in emotionally, mentally, and a lot of times physically when we know we shouldn't. And it's often on the false pretense of trying to change him. Sorry to burst your bubble, but your love won't change him. No matter how great you are as a person. Only God's love and his own desire will change him when he's ready.

You can never allow yourself to loose focus of the big picture of your life. As long as you stay focused on your dreams and goals for your life. It will make things like break ups a little easier.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Talking to your parents

I got asked, "How do you talk to your parents without arguing and yelling?" So I thought I would try and offer some insight and possibly even some strategy to this question. As much as you don't want to hear this your parents do only want what's best for you. At the same time it is sometimes hard for a parent to begin to realize that you are your own person. Just as you want them to remember that you are only human and are going to make mistakes you must have that same understanding towards your parents.

Most parents would rather their kids talk to them about things prior to just going out and doing something that they may later regret. Like most things it is all in your approach. Depending on the type of parent you have (and you know yours the best) you can take several different approaches.

If there was something that you are thinking about doing. You need to be honest with them and simply say that you need to talk to them about something you have been thinking about. Make sure to emphasize that you have not acting on it yet and you want to talk to them openly about it. If your parent is not the type to be able to handle this type of upfront conversation you can talk with another trusted adult that you do have that type of relationship with have them talk to your parents with you. If you feel that none of things will work, something that I have found out for myself is that writing them a letter works as well. That way you have their undivided attention.

Now with growing into adulthood also comes your responsibility to be able to handle their response. You want them to listen to you and your opinions, you must be willing to do the same when they respond to you. Make sure that you maintain respect for them as your parents and above all things pray before you speak with them. The Lord will give you the words to say as well show what method you should use in relation to your parents. Stay encouraged it gets easier! Trust me!

How do you know when to let go of friends?

This is a question that people of all ages ask themselves. It is a question that I had to ask myself as well. It is one of the hardest questions to answer, especially with people that you truly consider a friend. The question that you have to ask yourself is are they being a friend to you?

A true friend is someone who adds to your life. They are to be there to encourage your dreams, help you through your failures, and tell you when you're wrong. They should love you unconditionally. They should love you with what is know as agape love and that is the pure love of God. If your friends do not love you with the principles with which God loves you then it's time to let them go. Because with a relationship God your friendship will always be conditional. It will come with the conditions that best suits them at the time.

Healthy relationships are ones that can be brutally honest, but still have the tone of love in them. My best friend can tell me anything. We don't always agree with each other, but we always love each other. These are the type of friendships you want to have. As long as you are following the Lord then He will place the right people in your life. Ask yourself if your friends are really your friends. Do they have your best interests in mind? Do they support your dreams and your destiny? Are you afraid to show them the true you? The answers to these questions will be your answer to whether you should let them go our not.