Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Stay Focused!

Stay focused! When you are on your path towards your destiny it is important to remain focused. People will try to discourage you, times will be tough, but if you continue towards your goal you have no choice but to reach it. Staying focused is something easy to say, but not always the easiest thing to accomplish. This is why it is important for you to surround yourself with people who are uplifting you and motivating you to move forward.

Trust me I know first hand that it can be hard. Believe me there are days I want to give up, because things do not look like there getting any better. I just have to remember that everything comes in God's timing not mine. And I am reminded by the circle of people that I choose to surround myself with. Others that were out to sabotage me or who were envious of me I had to let them go, even if they did hold the title of friend or family. Think of life as a journey. Not everyone is meant to go on your journey with you. If they were then we would all be going to the same place and doing the same things. Some people are meant to go with you part of the way and few are meant to go all the way. You must use wisdom on whom to let into your inner circle.

When you are working towards you goals know that there will be hindrances, obstacles, road blocks, or whatever else you want to call them. The only way over them, around them, or through them is to stay focused and keep moving forward. Relentlessly pursuing your goals means to never stop moving forward while keeping your ethics pure and your character unflawed. So be encouraged always and stay focused!

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