Sunday, May 4, 2008

Are you getting Mixed Signals?

Mixed Signals, all of us have encountered them at one time or another. From our parents, friends, relationships, and the list continues on and on. Someone might ask what are mixed signals. Mixed signals are when people say one thing, but their actions say the opposite. You know when you’re dating that guy and his words say that he’s feeling you, but his actions prove that you’re no different than anybody else. Or when your friend says that she would never talk about you behind your back, but she talks about everybody else so why not you? Hey, you might even be guilty of giving mixed signals yourself.

And if you are that’s okay we all have done it before. Sometimes it can be because the person is confused or it can be because they are afraid to let you know how they really feel. And then quite frankly it could be because they are playing you, whatever the reason know that mixed signals is common. That’s why the old saying of “actions speak louder than words” is so true. Whether you want to believe it our not, it is true. I dare you to just try it one time, be observant and listen. Listen to what people tell you about themselves or even about how they feel about you and then watch their actions. Do they match? Or do they prove to be contrary?

I say all this to say in life beware of the mixed signals. They will cause you lots of headaches and heartaches if you are not careful. My advice to you would be to believe a person’s actions a lot more than you believe their words.

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